"Janma Kundali," also known as a birth chart or natal chart, is an astrological diagram representing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual's birth. It is a fundamental tool in Vedic astrology used to analyze various aspects of a person's life, including personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, career prospects, relationships, health, and spiritual inclinations.
Planetary Positions: The positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets (including Rahu and Ketu) in the twelve astrological houses of the zodiac at the time of birth.
Ascendant (Lagna): The sign of the zodiac rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, which determines the individual's overall outlook on life and personality.
Aspects: The aspects or influences that planets cast on other planets or houses in the chart, providing additional insights into various life circumstances.
Interpreting the Janma Kundali requires a deep understanding of Vedic astrology principles and expertise in analyzing the complex interactions between planetary positions, houses, and yogas. Astrologers use this information to provide personalized insights and guidance to individuals seeking to understand their life's trajectory and make informed decisions.